Requirements for the design and implementation of modern hospital operating rooms Plastic formulations of pre-fabricated products as a creative medium in the ceramic field Payback of movement classifications in Dynamic Architecture on Interior Design Origami art and its effect on the creative process enriching the design of glass sculpture for architecture modern vision for visual merging between printmaking and mixed media Investigating the Relationship Between Architecture Education Curricula in Egypt Inscriptions for the Unpublished Six Abbasid Dinars from the Era of Caliph Harun Al-Rashid Preserved Happiness Bus Technical and Community Development Expressive values for color Examination, Analysis and Conservation of Some Archaeological Pottery Vessels from Saqqara Excavation Evaluation of the Internal Environmental Conditions of the Jerash Archaeological Museum in Jordan Effective Use of 3D Technology in 3d movies to Development the Visual content of child Effect of yarn structure variables on pilling performance for blended woven fabrics Eco-friendly process for dyeing banana fabrics with curcuma natural dyes Determining the most appropriate printing techniques for digital printing Design Advertising Campaigns to raise awareness against harassment behavior Contemporary Islamic Decorative Formulas to Enrich the Field of Wood Work Children’s Drawings as a Source of Inspiration for Designing an Animated Character Building in Natural Heritage Listed Areas Bridge of boats in Light of the Indian Mughal Painting and Orientalists Drawings Bio Forming in Nature to Create Textile Printing Design for Hospitalization House Arabic letters as a formative element in contemporary murals in the Arab world Analytical study of the size of solar tubes for interior spaces for Cairo, Egypt An Analytical Field Study on the Principles of Sustainability in the Interior Design Activating the environmental role of the Building envelope to improve the energy performance Activating the environmental design to establish the urban identity in contemporary A proposed Vision to Achieve Easy Use for People with Special Needs in Service Elements A plastic treatment of quackery and sorcery through mixed techniques in intaglio printing Utilizing Empathy Philosophy in Advertising Design Traditional leather industries and their role in the development of tourism Towards Implying Universal Design in Architectural Education in Egypt The Role of Compositing as a visual effect in enhancing advertising message The intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of pictorial drawings in the pottery of the Archaic age The Effectiveness of Technical Multiplicity in Enrichment of the Creative Aspects of Design Surfaces The diversity of the formal and persuasive context of the advertising poster based on digital technology Technological and Aesthetic considerations for glass tapestries and their utilizes in interior design. Suggested clothing designs that can be transformed for different looks for sustainability Study and Publication of Stela of Km at Cairo Museum String Theory as a Source of Superposition in Dimensional Designs