Making Use of the Egyptian Craft Identity as A Requirement for Sustainable Development in The Garment Industry Islamic geometric decorations as a source of modern ceramic jewelry design Introducing New Decorative Designs from African Art to Enrich the Field of Computer Furnishings Interior space in accommodation areas of cruising hotels according to international security and safety standards Interior design standards for some innovative materials Interactivity through internet as a tool in apparel consumers studying Innovative Vision for Augmented Reality (RA) in the Printed Advertising Innovative treatments for the design of women's clothing by incorporating decorative techniques inspired by Deconstruction trend of modern architecture Innovative interactive ideology to enforcement Hologram technologies to promote tourism activities in Egypt. Industrial Design Strategies Knowledge Engineering in View of Fractal Geometry Impact of surprise strategy on the avoidance of digital advertising Exploring the Usage of User-Generated Content Advertising to Build Brand Equity Environment Influence on Architecture and Interior Design in Islamic Civilization Enhancement of dye-ability and antibacterial properties of cotton fabrics via modification with chitosan Elements of interior design in the second half of the nineteenth century (the era of Khedive Ismail) An analytical study of Abdeen Palace Effect of Islamic art on modern architectural claddings in Arab countries Descriptive Study for Ottoman Age Women's wear Creating sustainable fashion designs for women inspired by “Mondrian” paintings Benefiting structural anatomy of Latin writing in deriving synonym design in Arabic writing Attempts to preserve the Andalusian Islamic identity following the fall of Granada Mousse ibn Abi al-Ghassan and Mohammed bin Ummayya, a model. An analytical study of the interior architecture of post-modern churches Aerial photography and Satellite imaging of the Earth's surface as a source of inspiration for the textile Hanging design by using computer graphic applications Advertising as a Persuasion Unconscious Process Activation of the repetition feature in the design of glass spaces for the architecture Achieving the most appropriate scientific standards for using compact spinning technique and its effect on the properties of the yarns produce A comparative study between five methods for the construction of men's shirt basic pattern Wood materials are adopted as a strategic component of project-based learning for interior design students (Applied experiment) Visual Experience and Its Role to Achieve the Perception in the Interactive Press Advertisement The role of science fiction films in technological development The role of inserted printed advertising design and production in the daily newspaper to improve the quality of advertising message concept The mythological time dimension as a constant in the formulation and formation of elements of interior design The Effectiveness of Artistic Formation of Hand Knitted Samples in Enriching the Aesthetic and Functional Values of Some furinishing and accommodation supplements The effect of solar energy on interior design leading to zero energy buildings The Dynamic of War Battles Painting in Iranian Manuscripts as A Source of Innovation Design of Hangings Fabrics The digital marking tools and its reflection on furniture industry The design of spa resorts and baths in Roman and Islamic times The concept of simulacra as an aesthetic value for new media arts The Basics of Landscape Design and Its Impact on the Environmental Comfort System of Interior Design Negative Practices of Advertisers between Deception and Misinformation … Influences and Regulations Military Architecture in far Morocco (the kasabh model)