ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE FROM INDUCTING THE URBAN HERITAGE TO DEDUCT A THEORY FOR CONTEMPORARY ISLAMIC URBANISM Integration philosophy between Kinetic Structure and Nature Inspired by the aesthetic values of the elements of Islamic Art Ingenious methods to run a luminous religious dialogue Delegation king of Nubia to the Abbasid Caliph Mutasim The year 218 Creating Cartoon Character Inspired by Islamic Arts Contemporary applications of “Mashrabiya” as a cultural heritage Computational Design Potentials Promoting Regional Arab Architecture Arab handicrafts industries and their role in building the Islamic personality Analytic Study for Interactive Museum Display Panels Aesthetic Values of Islamic Ornament at Al-Aqsa Mosque as an Time & Space Duality in Interior Design The Visual Deceit between the Functional Needs & the Visual Beautification’s Values of the (Islamic) Architecture’s Glass The Sacred House architecture and maximizing its position in Islam The Islamic Arts effect on the development Of glass flame The influence of Islamic Arts on the European arts in the monastery of St. Catherine mobile Artifacts The effectiveness of the technology used in digital imaging in the promotion of local and global media of the Arab civilization and Islamic Arts The Contribution of Wo¬men in the Urban and Cultural in the Ayyubid Period 570-658 AH 1174 1260 AD The Architectural Side of the city of Wasit and ways in which Negative Effects of Wars on Environment