The effect of using software on the production processes of smart factory ceramic tiles The Effect of Technology on Outdoor Furniture The Color and its impact on theatrical aesthetics Study of design and functional criteria for motorsport clothing Study of Christian Priesthood Costumes Sensory packaging design using new technological means to enhance competitive advantage Photograph and its role in developing creative thinking skills of children Phenomenology and changing the experimentation concept in contemporary painting Performing Arts and Sustainability New Prospects for Cultural Transformations Perception of Healthcare Facility Garden and Impressions of Interactive Elements Occupational Ergonomics Standards for Digital Manufacturing of Metal Furniture Products Mindfulness and Its Relationship to Creative Thinking Among a Sample of University Students Metaphorical Thinking & Key-visual creativity in Pandemic Advertising Islamic architecture as an entrance to enrich the surfaces of metalwork Investment the national identity in contemporary Saudi ceramics Fashion psychology and its relation to garment design on drama Enriching wedding dress using draping Techniques Eclecticism as a Philosophy to Mix Contemporary Furniture Design with Printed Upholstery Fabrics Design Designing of hydraulic lifts and their impact on the scenography of theatrical performances Children’s Fairy Tales Between Illustrations and Conceptual Art Visions of Storytelling Characteristics of African art as a source of creativity in designing glass art products Analytical Study of the Islamic and Ancient Egyptian Influences on The Library of Alexandria Aesthetic design values in perceptual metaphor their role in restoring the mental image 3D printed house Visual thinking supports industrial design students in product shape design Virality and Memes on Social Media Platforms Utilizing the Biomimicry Principles in the Design of Metal Dynamic Facades Using Self-healing materials to raise the efficiency of kindergartens Urban spaces Post Covid-19 Upgrading commercial streets Two Rare Ottoman-Era Wooden Boxes to preserve the Kaaba' Keys The role of design in rooting mental images through digital portraiture and augmented reality technology Art The Role of Architecture and Urbanization in Developing the Capabilities of Government Housing Users The product of architectural and construction problems and their role in stimulating creativity of the designer The plastic entries of compositional structure in the work of artist The painting of the Ancient Egyptian artist between creativity and creed and It's effect on the viewer The Impact of Using Interactive Interior Design on Enhancing the Performance of Public Service Buildings The effectiveness of designing Egyptian smart government applications during the Corona virus pandemic The effectiveness of a training program for providing the art of crochet skills as an adjunct