Contemporary Trends of Design Thinking in view of Innovation Philosophy Coins ofJani Beg khan Benefiting from Android applications in design Architectural utopia between fictional and realistic An experimental study for evaluating the efficiency Al-Ateeq Mosque in Al-Bilad district in Darnah Aesthetics of Sedimentary Rocks as a Source of wall hanging design woven Using microfibers to produce a one-layer warming-up The use of glass technology and technical textiles The third dimension of Mural glass between the creativity and application The Styles of the Crown contained on The Ranks The strategy of designing contemporary advertising using modern The Sociology of Culture through Social Networks Advertisement The Rules of Different Types of Lines on Fashion Design The Phenomenon of Plagiarism along with Other Related The Metaphysical Trend of Islamic Symbolism and Its Utilization The impact of using Voronoi diagrams on the The Effect of Parametric Modeling in the Design The Effect of Incongruity in Viral Advertising Design The Development of Metal Handbags for Decoration The Bauhaus school and its impact on interior design Studying the importance of Esoteric science in Advertising design Selected models of men's clothing in Central Asia during the centuries Role of Designer to Meet the Needs of Landscaping Users Principle to be Considered in designing artistic Moving Images Positive Space Photographic abstraction between the plastic Philosophy of the movement through the distance fourth Philosophical and artistic values in the Euro Guidance Designer to selection the suitable process treatment Graphic Art as A Creative Sensational in The Interior Environmental variables and formality and their relation Employ photography techniques to create Impressionist photography Effect of the Application of Universal Design Principles Effect of Spandex Ratio on the Shrinkage of Woven Fabrics Effect of some fabric structure factors on the functional properties Effect of Different Constructions of Elastic Bands Produced Dome of the Treasury or Dome of Oil in the Prophet’s Mosque Design Trends of Glass Balusters According to Fixing