Standards of Using Electronic Blog in Apparel Marketing Modern technology for the video image industry and its role in social media Measuring Kuwaiti consumer’s drivers to purchase counterfeit Interior design of food carts according to functional and aesthetic criteria Infographic as an innovative source for printed design of sports uniform Formative Relations Inspired by the Cocoon to Create an Artistic Electronic portfolio for the basics of residential interior design Effectiveness of using visual reality Software in lighting design Ecomimcry and Nano Air Vehicle Design Disturbance between Industrial art and Industrial design concepts Ceramic Mosaic in the Mural Treatments of Seljuk Architecture Applying design trends and modern techniques in interior design Analytical study of applying the lean advertising strategy A selection of frescoes in the tombs of Bagwat region A Design Approach for Printed Women Fabrics Benefit Windows concept between yesterday and today and its impact on buildings design Using LED lighting to illuminate variety shows The semiology of the expressive semantics of the concept of constraint in contemporary ceramic art The role of advanced materials in industrial product design The Robot and Emotional Design The impact of social violence on the drawings for primary school The application of reuse as a sustainable principle in the cloned