+201069496282 aacia@aaciaegypt.com

Volume 1- Issue 4 – October 2016

Islamic Civilization & Coexistence with the other Islamic arts between modernism and originality Interpretation of Islamic pottery ‘ s Luster , according to Nano Technology Applications Inspiration of Islamic ornamental and architectural components to find a plastic equivalent for theatrical performances derived from Arabic heritage Humanitarian Considerations for Interior Design Funeral furniture in Nubia during EFFECT OF CONSTITUENTS OF THE AESTHETICS OF PERSIAN ISLAMIC GLASS TO RAISE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE LOCAL GLASS TABLEWARE Development of rhythmic structure systems in the multi decorative surfaces design through theory of nature simulation Bio-mimicry Comparison among the best and widely compounds used to copper artefacts protect at atmospheric environment Calligraphy Rhythm in Emptiness Aesthetic values writings and lines of Arab and take advantage of them in a glass interior architecture design Using the Free Formation in the Glass Sculpture Design Using Guerilla Advertising Strategy to Create Effective Animated Ads The ornaments of the king's head in some rituals religious scenes at the chapels of Abydos temple. The effect of Islamic decorative arts on the formation of glass arts by pâte de verrè The Aesthetical Aspects for Monumentality of Mamluk Architecture Reasons and Analysis. Study Case Sultan Hassan Complex in Cairo The impact of the interactive design of the glass in the rehabilitation and the use of Historical buildings Symbolism in Geometrical Islamic Ornaments and its Impact on Contemporary Poster Design Producing translucent self cleaning glass and its use in rephrasing architectural glass façades
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