The architecture of the mosque in Algeria between the identity of Islamic civilization and contemporary developments Linking the structural design of the costume and the Invention of Textile Designs by using of (WAPAP Art) style Interaction between design elements in organic trend as input for product design Intellectual Dialogue between Organic Architecture And Post - Modernism To Improving Functional Performance of Kitchens Towels by using Modal fibers Improve the perception of the curriculum by using of three Implementing a proposed methodology for blended learning To raising the efficiency of lightwieght metal construction design education Heritage and Identity as a resource for the development of creative skills Formulations of the popular decorative units in the Kingdom of Saudi Environmental scenario as approach for achieving sustainability in product design Enhance Printing quality of additional special colors by using variables of Employing knitted fabrics characteristics in design and producing variable Embed RFID chip as a security add value to large Egyptian Design Requirements for Jewelry used as Fashion Accessories in Theatrical Plays Contemporary interior design between the currents of change and the origins of Egyptian identity Consideratons for Glass Balusters Design in Architecture Combine Jacquard Style with Embroidery to Create Innovative upholstery Fabrics Designs Cathedrals and churches of the pilgrimage routes for Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Application of 3D Printing in Interior Design and Furniture Aesthetic Vision of Trimming on Dress Form Design Inspired by Al-Baha Folklore (Altahtib) as one of Duel of sticks Features of identity in Egyptian Cinema Visual Identity as a system to enhance the City Image Using the Transformation Concept in Creating Safari Multi Towards innovative Formation in interior design According to the The visual content of violent scenes in films and their impact on society The use of teamwork in the design of mural works The Third dimension Design of glass painting art The Philosophy of Al-Qatt Al-Asiri and the Role of the Woman in The impact of the philosophy and ideology of contemporary The Gemstones Through The writing of Mughal Indian Emperor Jahangir The effectiveness of blended learning strategy to develop students The concept of sustainable design and its impact on the quality of the internal environment of interior design The benefit of Arabic calligraphy aesthetics to Taking advantage of the modern technological possibilities of Symbolic significance of the animal element in the ancient Egyptian Sentimentalism and Contemporary Art in Interpreting Cairo Saving Energy through Technological Development of Residential Buildings Print children's clothing in a variety of contemporary designs derived from Modern Technical Variables and Their Impact on Fresco painting