Mankind and desert development along the history” From the Gulf to the Ocean -14th -20th of April- 2024 Conferences
Eleventh International Conference Civilizational challenges within the shades of the third millennium (Heritage-Technology-Design) (Strasbourg – France) 8 October 2022 Conferences
Twelfth International Conference “Dialogues of history, practice and education” (Luxor – Aswan) 14-20 December 2022 Conferencesread more
The Tenth International Conference “Art and the Dialogue of Civilizations: Present and Future Challenges” Conferencesread more
The 9th international conference “Civilizational challenges within the shades of the third millennium” (Heritage-Technology-Design) Conferencesread more
Eighth Conference of Civilizations and the Fourth Industrial Revolution through E-Learning Conferencesread more
Sixth Conference “The mutual influences between Islamic and western civilizations in Munster University – Germany Conferencesread more
Fifth International Conference “Civilization between the cultural heritage and the modern technics” Conferencesread more