+201069496282 aacia@aaciaegypt.com

Volume 1- Issue 5 – October 2021

Study of the impact of brand development for small enterprises for clothing production factories Semantic compositional structure in Artwork Plastic values of Arabic calligraphy in the windows in the Islamic era Physical and Formal Equilibrium in Furniture Nature Values as A Sensual and Tangible Inspiring in The Formation of Interior Design Materials Geometric Shapes in Sadu as Element to Maintain the Kuwaiti Identity in Interior Design Ergonomic Considerations to be Taken into Account in Designing Functional Knobs for Industrial Products Effectiveness of digital design thinking and the evolution of digital textile printing technology Creating Contemporary Parametric Fashion Designs Inspired by Islamic Motifs Using 3D Printing Applying Dynamic Branding Tate Gallery Rebranding Comparative Case Study Achieving the methods of the photo collage and photomontage arts in contemporary advertising poster for art students in Egypt The role of E-learning in developing design courses in art colleges in light of emergency pandemics The impact of the internal design of the educational environment on the innovative skills of the child The Impact of the form of Journalistic Photograph and its Content in Jordanian Daily Newspapers on Receiver The Esthetic Values of depicting the Crocodile in Pre- Dynasty and Old Kingdom The Durka and its relation to the entrance location in the elevation from the point of view of energy science The design of printed hanging using the illusory third dimension through the artist Edwin long works
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